Where Are Ryka Shoes Made?

Where are Ryka Shoes made

Ryka is the first athletic shoe brand created and designed specifically for women.

With a mission to empower women through fitness, the brand has built a worldwide reputation for comfortable and stylish shoes tailored to fit women’s foot shape, musculature, and body structure.

So where are Ryka shoes made? Let’s explore the origin of them.

Ryka Is A Brand In The USA

Ryka has spent over three decades in the footwear industry exclusively for women’s fitness. Founded by Sheri Poe, a sexual assault survivor, Ryka was launched in 1987 in the United States, with its headquarters in Irvine, California.

The company focuses on quality, comfort, and design tailored for women’s unique shape, muscle movement, and build.

Ryka has earned a significant place in the market by continuously striving to create shoes that serve an essential purpose.

The brand offers an impressive shoe collection, including athletic, casual, boots, slip-on, and sandals.

Ryka shoes for women

Ryka Shoes Are Mostly Made In China

Most Ryka shoes are made in China. The company puts the primary production of its shoes in this Asian manufacturing hub.

Some other models are manufactured in other Asian footwear exporters, including Vietnam, Taiwan, and Indonesia.

By sourcing production from these Asian manufacturers, the company has been able to optimize costs and access a wide range of skilled labor.

Moreover, they can benefit from different technological advancements in the footwear industry.

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Ryka Shoes Are Not Manufactured In America

Ryka doesn’t base its shoemaking in the US because of the high production costs.

The company outsources its production to Asian shoe exporters like China and Vietnam. The decision is to optimize lower labor costs and operational expenses in those countries.

Ryka is committed to maintaining high-quality control standards across all its products, regardless of where they are made.

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Brown Shoe Currently Owns Ryka Shoes

Caleres Inc., or Brown Shoe, has owned Ryka shoes since 2011.

Caleres is an American footwear company that has been in business since 1878. It owns several well-known fashion brands, including Allen Edmonds, LifeStride, Naturalizer, Bzees, Franco Sarto, Vince, and Ryka.

Global Sports acquired Ryka in 1997 and sold it to American Sporting Goods Corporation in 1999.

In 2011, Caleres took over Ryka, making it a part of the largest footwear brands in the industry.

Caleres Inc., or Brown Shoe

Ryka Shoes Are Vegan

Ryka shoes are cruelty-free. They are made from artificial or faux leather instead of animal skin. These synthetic materials look and feel like genuine leather and offer superior breathability and comfort.

Besides leather, Ryka uses polyester mesh, rubber, synthetic sole, and EVA foam, making them incredibly durable and lightweight.

Ryka Shoes Are Made For Women & More

Ryka has been committed to its slogan “Made for Women” for over three decades.

The brand provides women athletes with superior quality, comfortable shoes. Through footwear, it has also been striving to promote and empower moments through fitness.

Ryka’s revolutionary technology is based on the “Q ANGLE” – an angle of the quadriceps muscle. This angle affects a woman’s stance and weight distribution on the feet.

It also necessitates extra stability and support to optimize performance and avoid injury.

Ryka shoes feature a broad forefoot, secure footbed, slim heel, and increased instep volume, aiming at the perfect fit for a woman’s foot. There are eventually APMA-Approved models recommended by podiatrists.

Ryka has a wide variety of shoes for women, from running sneakers, walking trainers, and training shoes to daily sandals.

Its high-performance shoes provide exceptional support and protection, making them a formidable competitor against renowned brands such as New Balance.

The Devotion series is the latest Ryka walking shoes. These classic sneakers have leather overlays to reinforce lacing, heel, and toe for boosting resilience.

Among Ryka shoe reviews on its website, the Devotion Plus 2 has received over 800 positive feedback.

Ryka shoes have become increasingly popular among men, particularly in the walking and hiking series. Their comfortable fit and durable construction make them an excellent choice for any gender.

Final Words

Ryka shoes are made primarily in China and other Asian manufacturers like Vietnam, Taiwan, and Indonesia.

The brand symbolizes feminism and strives to empower women with its proud Future Without Violence Campaign. You can purchase them in outlets worldwide through the Ryka website, Zappos, or Amazon.

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